Glastonbury Retreat – 12-15 January 2023

2023-01-23T10:36:23+00:00Categories: Yoga Holidays Retreats|Tags: , , , |

Glastonbury Retreat 12-15 January 2023 3pm Thursday to after lunch Sunday Location Middlewick Cottages, Glastonbury Price £345-385 Description Enjoy a 3-night retreat in the Somerset countryside at the foot of the legendary Glastonbury Tor. We will take the time to refresh and renew for the year ahead through yoga postures, pranayama, meditation & yoga nidra. There will also be time to further relax and unwind by making use [...]


2022-12-06T12:21:04+00:00Categories: News|Tags: , |

A COMING TOGETHER OF FRYOG TEACHERS at Yoga Belleza, 1 The Stables, Corhampton Lane Farm, Corhampton SO32 3NB. Please join me on 27th January 2023 at 6-30pm for an evening to collaborate together to share ideas and passions with the view to make regular meetings. Sometimes being a yoga teacher can be very lonely so my intention is to create a group of FRYOG teachers who meet on a [...]

IN TUNE WITH THE MOON – 28th January 2023

2022-07-05T13:21:22+01:00Categories: Yoga Holidays Retreats|Tags: , |

IN TUNE WITH THE MOON Yoga and Astrology Workshop 28th January 2023 10am - 4-30pm £80 At Yoga Belleza Vicky will guide you through a morning Yoga practise in relation to the energy of the moon.  After lunch Jackie will be looking at tracking the Moon cycles, the phases of the Moon, how we can work with them and how to use the Moon as a personal calendar. This workshop [...]

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