Winter Yoga – A Northern Area CPD Opportunity with Helen Sutcliffe

Saturday 19 December 2020

9-45 to 13-00

Cost £15 for members, £25 for non-members.


Event is Zoom only.



09-45                                     Registration.

10-00 to 10-10                   Introduction.

10-10 to 11-40                   Physical Asana practice.

Winter Yoga adapted to address the challenges of the season.

11-49 to 11-50                   Comfort Break.

11-50 to 12-40                   Yoga Talarvu.

Composing your own and experiencing the benefits.

12-40 10 13-00                  Feedback and FRYOG update.

13-00                                     Close.


To book a place and for access and payment details contact Helen Sutcliffe:

Email: or

Mob:     07967169365