Our People

Our team are all committed members who volunteer their time and expertise to promote Friends of Yoga and it’s aims.

Executive Officers | Administration | Area Officers | Areas by County

Executive Officers

The Executive Officers are Friends of Yoga members who are elected to office at the Biennial General Meetings. The next Meeting is on Saturday 12th October 2024.



Chair – Vacant.

Ann Zielonka


Lady Greta Diana Gent (Lady G)


‘My name is now Lady Greta Diana Gent (Lady G). Our founder, John Gent, was a positive force in my yoga training from 2009 to 2023. As Acting Chair a few years ago, I realised that my primary role was to look after John Gent as our long-living, Master Yogi, so although Acting Chair for about six months, a few years ago, I did not stand to be elected as Chair and Vicky Bedford has progressed successfully in that role.

I have great respect for the members of FRYOG. I now have more time to serve in the role of Treasurer and as a theory assessor, having seen John mark numerous scripts that have helped form FRYOG Yoga Teachers of the future.

I hope to continue to provide the organisation with financial strength and in addition develop the collection and coordination of our historical literature.’

Denise Hazel

Director of Education


Yoga came my way in 1990, with a teacher in Surrey, Barbara Currie, a legend in yoga knowledge, bringing yoga workout classes with up to 30 asanas a class, they were full on, constant moves & holds with up to 50 bodies in a class! 

My first yoga training in 1998, was with Judith Richards, an Iyengar tutor for FRYOG. A solid, grounding & strength building experience in body & mind. 

The following years explored workshops & training modules in anatomy, Anusara, Nidra, Yin, Restorative, trauma informed, Pranayama & Breathwork & the Psychology of Yoga through the Limbs. This led to counselling training & somatic therapy as a way to access what we hold within. To move, feel & explore the way through challenges we face in life, with a gentle person centred approach.

As my body ages I choose the therapeutic route of yoga practice rather than performance. Working intuitively with movement, pranayama, mudra & meditation, Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Feldenkrais & Scaravelli continue to inspire my teaching journey & personal practice. 

My aim is to bring the experience of yoga I continue to learn, to the Education role at FRYOG 

Denise x

Cate Knott Carpenter

Membership Officer

Cate was a student of Carole Kerton and trained under her excellent guidance, qualifying in 2003. She lives on sunny Hayling Island with her one eyed min pin Geoffrey and her Andalusian horse Jaleo.

Cate has her own garden studio where she teaches 4 classes a week, and runs day and weekend retreats locally, donkeyoga being particularly popular!

She has been a practical assessor for FRYOG for many years and practices Thai Yoga Massage.

Sheila Coombes

Diploma Board Officer

Sheila is a Fryog teacher training course tutor and theory assessor.
She welcomes this opportunity to join the Executive Committee and to be generating diplomas for students on completion of courses.

‘Being a theory assessor, I get to see how much love and commitment goes into the theoretical side of training, it will be a pleasure to be providing the proof of their work. ‘

Sheila has practised yoga and meditation for most of her adult life and has been teaching others since qualifying with FRYOG in 1984. Her main interest is in health and healing through working with the elements and this has led her to study with leading Viniyoga and Ayurvedic practitioners. She is also trained in Thai Yoga Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reiki and Reflexology. All these skills are now combined into ‘Integrated Yoga Therapy’ which she offers from a practice near Totnes, Devon.

Her other passion is growing food for the family using organic and bio-dynamic methods. ‘Conscious cultivation…… caretaking the land through mindful relationship – no different to caretaking our physical and mental being through focused yoga practise’.

Simi Sandhu

Internal Communications Officer

Simi is super passionate about empowering women by providing them with simple tools that they can incorporate into their daily lives. She supports her clients to get to the root cause of whatever is holding them back so that they are able to manage their overall well-being in a more positive way.

She is qualified in a number of modalities: Yoga & Meditation (200 HOURS, FRYOG, 2009), Reiki 1, Master Practitioner of NLP (including Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis) and she is currently studying Diet and Nutrition ITEC level 3 Diploma. Her educational background includes a BA (Hons) in Leisure Management and a HND in Business and Finance from the University of West London in the UK.

Zoe English (née Smart)

Public Relations and Events

Zoe completed a BWY foundation course in 2008, and immediately discovered a passion for yoga and its benefits. With a new found appreciation for how yoga can address and support modern day life, there was no hesitation to her training with Friends of Yoga to become a teacher and spread the word!

In 2010, Zoe completed her 200-hour teacher training with Amanda Coulson and has gone on to enthusiastically teach her students the mind body connection. She qualified as a Yoga Therapist with Real Yoga in 2019 so as well as teaching group classes, also provides therapeutic yoga practice to individuals living with a medical condition.

Now living in West Sussex, she has two whippet-cross rescue dogs that are adored by her and her husband, and who enjoy being walked on the beach near their home every day.

Jo Standen

Website Officer

Jo trained with Gemma Grinter. She qualified with Friends of Yoga in 2013 and also trained with Charlotta Martinus to gain her Teenyoga teacher status.

Together with Zoe English, Jo has spent many hours developing the website to streamline the administrative tasks involved with running the society.

”If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve our website I’d love to hear from you!”


Aimee Newton


Pattie Sandham

Child Protection Officer

Area Officers

Victoria James

Victoria James

Chief Area Officer



Could this be you?

Role Duties

If you are interested in taking on this exciting position or wish to find out more please contact Victoria James C.A.O.



Could this be you?

Role Duties

If you are interested in taking on this exciting position or wish to find out more please contact Victoria James C.A.O.



Could this be you?

Role Duties

If you are interested in taking on this exciting position or wish to find out more please contact Victoria James C.A.O.


South West (North)

Could this be you?

Role Duties

If you are interested in taking on this exciting position or wish to find out more please contact Victoria James C.A.O.

Anita Howarth

Anita Howarth

South West (South)


South West (West)

Could this be you?

Role Duties

If you are interested in taking on this exciting position or wish to find out more please contact Victoria James C.A.O.

Areas by County


  • Cheshire
  • Cumbria
  • Derbyshire
  • Durham
  • Lancashire
  • Lincolnshire
  • Eire
  • N. Ireland
  • Tyne & Wear
  • Northumberland
  • Nottinghamshire
  • Yorkshire


  • Buckinghamshire
  • Leicestershire
  • Northamptonshire
  • Oxfordshire


  • Gloucestershire
  • Herefordshire
  • Shropshire
  • Staffordshire
  • Warwickshire
  • Worcestershire
  • West Midlands
  • Wales


  • Bedfordshire
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Norfolk
  • Rutland
  • Suffolk

South East

  • Essex
  • Hertfordshire
  • Kent
  • Middlesex

South West (North)

  • Avon
  • Berkshire
  • Wiltshire

South West (West)

  • Cornwall
  • Devon
  • Somerset

South West (South)

  • Dorset
  • Hampshire
  • Isle of Wight


  • Surrey
  • East Sussex
  • West Sussex